I was just watching this video and it got me thinking...
These kinds of videos are very convincing. Although, I don't particularly buy it for a few reasons. For one, I think the people that believe in extraterrestrial's visiting Earth are simply so hopeful that this is true that they may stretch the truth or simply be purposefully ignorant.
Many of the clips in the above video could very well just be satellites passing by, a glare on the lens, or even a computer generated fake. The truth is we've never seen an extremely detailed and reliable photo/video of any such extraterrestrial craft and to think a small blurry dot floating across the screen is proof is just not enough.
I admit some of the clips are quite miraculous and I would very much like to know if we have E.T. watching us from the moon, but as far as we've experienced and learned so far, such life and intelligence is rare in the universe. Not to mention traveling several light years in a craft of some sort is virtually impossible.
Although, I have hopes that somewhere out there a planet has sustained a life form smart and powerful enough to create warp drives or inter-dimensional worm holes or whatever and has decided to help us out a little on our evolutionary path. I can only hope though, and like praying, it doesn't do shit :(
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