Monday, December 14, 2009

The Future of The Human Mind

Edit: I've done more research into this and it's not likely we'll be making cyberbrains very soon as I originally thought. Also, computer technology does not necessarily double "every year." It's more like 18 months.

"The Blue Brain Project is the first comprehensive attempt to reverse-engineer the mammalian brain, in order to understand brain function and dysfunction through detailed simulations." -Blue Brain Project

With computer technology doubling its capabilities every year, we will actually soon be able to simulate a human brain with a computer. This is incredible! We would be able to upload our minds into a computer system. And my guess is that computer technology will continue to double, so eventually cyber brains may become even more powerful than the biological brain.

Artificial Brain Ten Years Away From Reality

There are so many advantages to this, however, I know someone out there is thinking this is a horrible, immoral thing. Would a computer capable of thinking exactly as a human be equivalent to a living thing? And what about human emotions and sensations. Surely you wouldn't want to abandon your ability to taste and feel...

Well, considering these processes are all done with your mind then it's reasonable to assume you would still be able to taste and feel with a computer simulation. However, it wouldn't be real. So the real problem is a cyber brains capability of determining fact from fiction. Also, there's an issue with hacking and the possibility of having your mind literally taken control of. These may be large set backs but there's always a solution and I believe the profits outweigh the costs.

All of these concepts are well described in the Ghost In The Shell anime series and the sequel SAC: 2nd Gig.

The Matrix Trilogy also addresses this possibility of artificial brains in some ways with the programs such as the Oracle and the Architect that pretty much think and act exactly as people do.

I personally look forward to the day I can upload my brain into a computer and acquire immortality, superior intellect, and greater understanding. We'll finally be able to cheat death.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Reality and What is Outside of It

As an atheist and a naturalist, I believe that the only things that can be confirmed to exist are what we can see and provide evidence for in our universe. However, an argument I often hear is that "god" lies outside of our universe and is thus incapable of being proved because it is impossible to provide evidence for it.

This is actually a fairly good defense for those that believe in some sort of higher power. Although this is not a very logical belief, considering that nothing can be proved outside the boundaries of our reality, then it leaves everything to your imagination. According to this logic, it would be okay to believe that outside our universe there are unicorns and fairies.

It may be possible that there are multiple "universes" (the multiverse theory). And if there was a multiverse then it may be possible that it goes on for infinity. In that case...unicorns and anything imaginable would eventually exist. It's a pretty incredible thought to try to conceive fully.

If a multiverse didn't go on for infinity, then it would have to have some beginning. But then, how would it be created? Why would it be created?
These are the same kind of questions we've asked about our single universe and have for the most part answered how until a point.

Also, if our universe or a multiverse truly did not have anything at all before its existance, then how would absolutely nothing become something. Maybe because outside the universe anything is possible and there it is possible for nothing to become something.

So I think there are at least two answers to this problem.
1. Everything goes on for infinity, the universe, the multiverse, maybe even multiple multiverses, and so on.
2. Nothing can create something in the void outside of reality.

Either way, this does not prove a god's creation because a god is not nothing and thus must have a beginning as well.